Our Music Director is Libbie Randels, who tells us she LOVES HANDBELLS!
Libbie has rung in and directed church and community bell choirs since 1986. She has also been a member of the Handbell Musicians of America since then.
Libbie studied technique under the Chicago-based Agape Ringers, and solo ringing under Nancy Hascall. She has rung in the Distinctly Bronze and National All Stars auditioned choirs. She has taught classes such as Ring ’til you’re 100 and Weaving Made Easy at multiple Area and National events. She has also developed and run multiple handbell conferences, and was the Area 11 Desert Sub-chair of the Handbell Musicians of America for 5 years.
Libbie rang with the Handbell Ringers of Sun City from 2007 to 2009 and has been our Music Director since 2009. Get in touch with her through our Contact Us page, or by calling her at 623.256.9495.